Celebrate Suki Desu CDO 2nd Anniversary with New Japanese Setting

Suki Desu (pronounced as Ski Des in Japanese) is celebrating its 2nd anniversary in Cagayan de Oro with a new Japanese “Yaka” Chabudai table setting and function room.

The new Suki Desu CDO function room has a new Japenese Anime and Manga-inspired design.

Suki Desu CDO is an authentic and budget-friendly Japanese restaurant in Cagayan de Oro.


Suki Desu is located at Sports Zone, 91 Tomas Saco St, Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Open daily from 10 AM to 8 PM. For inquiries, you can contact 0935 288 2925.


Here’s a glimpse of the new Japanese setting at Suki Desu CDO with their best-seller menu.